What Are The Functions of a Document Camera


Devices like document cameras are the kind of tools offered by Joyusing Site in a bid to ensure better visual collaborations globally. There are numerous reasons to collaborate without actually being together. The year 2020 taught the whole globe a lesson with the coronavirus pandemic, which saw the whole world sit at home for more than six months. Most businesses were brought to a pause, and the ones who could still function had collaborative platforms like zoom, Meets, and Slack to thank. Document cameras are also an excellent collaborative tool, but this time it is hardware, instead of software. Collaborations are necessary for all types of industries globally. And with the need to make sales on the rise, there is a need for more collaborative tools. The most common collaborative tool in the past used to be a projector. But the distraction caused by shadows amongst other things is a big reason why projectors are becoming extinct.

Document cameras, although not very popular yet, have their ways of helping you collaborate better. First, in terms of size, they are way smaller than a projector. That means it is easier to carry a document camera to a different place based on how you need it. But in terms of functions, these devices have more functions than projectors. For instance, a document camera can connect directly to a whiteboard if needed. As long as the board has the connection features, you are good to go. It is still new, however, so you do not need to blame yourself if you do not know about a document camera. They are functional in more places than you can imagine. This guide will explain the different places where you can use a document camera and how important they can be.

In a classroom

The classroom is probably the most common place you can use a document camera. Already, most educational institutions have projectors for presentations. But document cameras take it a notch higher. You can use these cameras to take a virtual class where everyone will watch and understand and there will be no hassles. Also, it is smaller, and therefore easier to carry the document camera across different places.

In a courtroom

There is a lot of talking in a courtroom. The prosecutor and defendant are always saying things, leaving the judge and audiences to imagine the scenario. When evidence comes to play, they are only physical. But if there is video evidence, not everyone will use it. A document camera can solve this problem since it can be used to tender evidence.

In a conference

A lot of virtual conferences are happening across the globe. Most conferences in recent times have both physical and virtual. A decent document camera will come in handy in showing the conference clearly to the people not in attendance.

For a pitch deck

Pitch decks to an investor, lecturer, or anyone else are always serious business. The last thing anyone wants, in that case, is to have your shadow coming in the way like with a projector. A document camera solves that problem without any hassle.


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